
Backgrounds and purpose: To analyse the periprocedural CAS complications in patients with concomitant coronary disease. Material and methods: A prospective study analysed the frequency and characteristics of periprocedural complications after CAS in 329 patients, of whom 62.2% had symptomatic carotid stenosis > 50% and 37.8% had asymptomatic > 70%. The mean age was 70.2 (45-88) years, male/female ratio – 253/76. The degree of carotid stenosis was assessed angiographically according to NASCET criteria and was stratified by a newly proposed carotid score in three risk groups. Distal embolic protection was used in all patients. Results: Periprocedural complications were observed in 25/349 CAS interventions: TIA – 4.9%, major stroke – 0.6%, minor stroke – 1.4%, hyperperfusion syndrome – 0.3%. No MI and death were registered. Out of more than 20 factors analysed, previous MI (χ2 = 7,707; p = 0.021) and stroke (χ2 = 9,835, p = 0.043), “slow flow” (χ2 = 3.752; p = 0.001), residual stenosis> 20% (χ2 = 13.752; p = 0.001), radiation time (F = 13.323; p = 0.000), the amount of contrast used (F = 5.297; p = 0.006), contrast- induced OBN (χ2 = 25.845; p = 0.000), females with CKD (χ2 = 8.681; p = 0.013) or with a high carotid score (χ2 = 7.329; p = 0.026) were found to be predictors of complications. Conclusion: CAS is a safe procedure with low risk of MI and death in patients with concomitant coronary disease.


  • Каротидната атеросклероза е сред водещите причини за неврологична заболяемост и смъртност

  • The degree of carotid stenosis was assessed angiographically according to NASCET criteria

  • Distal embolic protection was used in all patients

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Да се проучат и анализират перипроцедурните усложнения при CAS при пациенти със съпътстваща коронарна болест. В планирано проучване са анализирани честотата и характеристиката на перопроцедурните усложнения след CAS при 329 пациенти, от които със симптомна каротидна стеноза > 50% са 62,2% и с асимптомна – > 70% - 37,8%. При среден каротиден скор 4,2 точки са регистрирани при 25/349 CAS перипроцедурни усложнения: ТИА – 4,9 %, голям инсулт – 0,6%, малък инсулт – 1,4%, хиперперфузионен синдром – 0,3%, и нито едно сърдечно. Заключение: CAS е безопасна процедура с нисък риск от инфаркт и смърт при пациенти със съпътстващо коронарно заболяване

Материал и методи
Рисков профил на пациентите
Без миокарден С преживян инфаркт инфаркт
Технически фактори и интрапроцедурен риск
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