
This study on plant periphyton (epilython, epiphyton, and periphyton communities on artificial substratum – separator pipes) was carried out in the littoral zone of lake Jeziorak Maly in 2002 and 2003. In addition to floristic analysis, changes in the abundance and biomass of periphytic diatoms with respect to physio-chemical water parameters in the season between April and October were analyzed. The highest number of periphytic diatoms was found in the pipes in June, and the highest biomass of epilython was established in September, in conditions of high contents of Ca and Si biogenes. Moreover, the indicator potential of diatoms was used to determine the trophy and saproby of the lakes waters. The largest participation of eutraphents in the biomass in all the diatom communities generally indicates the eutrophic character of the lakes waters, the dominance of meso-saprobes and amoderate content of organic matter. Moreover, alarge proportion of alpha-mesosaprobes (dominant Navicula gregaria) in the biomass of periphytic diatoms in the pipes indicates the highest degree of contamination by organic matter there in comparison to other substrates, while the epilython had the highest biomass of beta-alpha-meso-saprobes (dominant Diatoma vulgaris), an average degree of contamination with adominance of beta-meso-saprobes (subdominant Cocconeis placentula) and the least degree of contamination by organic matter.

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