
Nailah S, Rosada KK. 2018. Periphython Epilithic Community Structure in Cikamal Estuary and Cirengganis Estuary,Pananjung Pangandaran, West Java. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 4: 236-241. Periphyton is one of the biotic communities that canlive well in the waters. Epilithic periphyton is cosmopolitan and allows standardization for spatial or temporal comparisons, therefore itis often used to determine the quality status of a water. The purpose of this research is to know the structure of epilithic periphytoncommunity in Estuary of Cikamal River and Estuary of Cirengganis River Pananjung Pangandaran. The method used is exploration. Ineach study site, samples of periphyton and water were taken. At the time of sampling, physicochemical parameters measured weretemperature, brightness, depth, light intensity, salinity, current velocity, pH, and DO. The results showed that the periphyton in bothestuaries consisted of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and microbenthos. In general, the abundance of phytoplankton is higher compared tothe other two groups. Periphyton in Estuary of Cikamal River found 19 species of phytoplankton, one type of zooplankton, and one typeof microbenthos, while in Estuary of Cirengganis River found 24 types of phytoplankton, nine types of zooplankton, and three types ofmicrobenthos. Periphyton density at Estuary of Cirengganis River is higher than periphyton at Estuary of Cikamal River. The higherdiversity of periphyton species is found in Estuary of Cirengganis River. The periphyton at the Estuary of Cirengganis River has ahigher evenness than the periphyton at the Estuary of Cikamal River. One species that dominates on both estuaries is Navicula sp. Basedon the Sorensen similarity index, both estuaries have a moderate level of community similarity. The water quality of Estuary of CikamalRiver is included into the heavily polluted waters whereas the Estuary of Cirengganis River belongs to the medium contaminated waters.

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