
Verbal periphrases (VP) constitute a typological feature of Romance languages and they are especially frequent in the Iberoromanic languages. In the context of this paper, the aspectual verbal construction stare a + infinito and the modal VP volere + infinito will be “grasped in the concrete speech action” (Katelhön 2013: 237; my translation) in order to show how these two VPs are used as discourse-structuring elements in contemporary Italian (outline signals, turn-taking markers, hesitation phenomena etc.). Furthermore, formal and functional equivalents of the periphrastic discourse markers it. sta(mmi) a sentire and it. voglio dire will be analyzed in two Romance “sister languages”, namely French and Spanish, as well as in a typologically more distant language, namely German. The translation strategies chosen in the respective target languages will be examined with regard to the preservation or modification of pragmatic-discursive values inherent in the source language structure. For the present study, which is exclusively qualitative, the LIP corpus and the OPUS corpus (Tiedemann 2012, Italian), which is a collection of subtitles from a wide range of films in various languages, were used.

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