
Peripheral ossifying fibroma is a reactive lesion arising from periodontal cells in response to local irritation with females in second decade of their life are more affected and with maxillary anterior region predilection. Clinical appearance with erythmatous or pink in colour with large lesions are generally smooth. Lesion usually not exceed 1.5 cm. Underlying bone sometimes shows loacalized bone erosion. Treatment usually involves exicision of the lesion with histopathological examination. Chances of recurrence after complete removal is higher. 19 year old female patient came with complain of swelling of gingiva at 43 44 region with clinical examination reveal 1cm × 1cm lesion with pink in colour and smooth surface and radiographic examination showing localized bone loss. After complete phase 1 therapy, exision of the lesion was performed and excised lesion was tranferd in 10% formalin for histopathological examination immediately. Hyperplastic stratified parakeratinized epithelium with connective tissue stroma havind osteocytes and osteoblasts and cementum like material lead to diagnosis of Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma(POF). POF is a third most common gingival reactive lesion. Histopathological and clinical examination require to confirms the diagnosis.

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