
ABSTRACT Female.—Antennæ dark grey, the articulations thinly ringed with ochreous. Eyes shiny black. Oral papillæ pale ochreous at the base, pale grey on tips, and dotted there with black. Head and anterior part of body to about the second pair of legs rather pale rust-colour, irrorated with black; there is in some specimens an ochreous marking on the dorsal median line of the head. Rest of body dark slaty-grey, irregularly spotted with small sub-circular rust-coloured spots, most of them centred with a black dot (the spots are the bases of papillæ, the black dots the bristles at the summits). These spots extend to near the head, but arc there smaller and paler. There is a narrow median dorsal line of very dark grey, becoming narrower, paler, and almost obsolete near the head, but it continues fairly distinct to the anus. This line, under the microscope, is seen to be divided longitudinally by an exceedingly fine light line. Underside wholly grey, lighter than the upperside, and irregularly spotted with pale ochreous, chiefly on each side of the median line. Round the mouth is pale ochreous. Legs on the inside concolourous with the underside ; on the outside concolourous with the upperside, and with a few pale rusty spots, chiefly near the base. Just around the anus the skin and papillæ are ochreous or rusty. The spiniferous pads on the legs are pale ochreous. Between each pair of legs, on the median ventral line, is a rather large light ochreous spot. Papillæ round genital opening whitish.

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