
Given that surgical site infections remain a common performance metric in assessing the quality of health care, we hypothesized that prophylactic antibiotics are overutilized in soft tissue hand surgery when antimicrobials are not indicated. We studied insurance claims from the Truven MarketScan Databases to identify patients who underwent 1 of 5 outpatient hand surgery procedures: open or endoscopic carpal tunnel release, trigger finger release, de Quervain release, and wrist ganglion excision between 2009 and 2015 (n= 305,946). Hospital payment claims for preoperative intravenous antibiotics and prescriptions filled for postoperative oral antibiotics were analyzed. We examined the rate and temporal trend of prophylactic antibiotics use and identified risk factors using multivariable logistic regression. We also calculated health care expenditures related to prophylaxis. Prior to surgery, 13.6% (2009-2015) of patients received prophylactic intravenous antibiotics and trend analysis showed a statistically significant increase from 2009 (10.6%) to 2015 (18.3%), an increase of 72.5%. Preoperative prophylaxis was used most often prior to trigger finger release (17.5%) and least often prior to endoscopic carpal tunnel release (11.2%). Younger age, male sex, lower income, and obese patients had higher odds of receiving antibiotics. The total charge of prophylactic antibiotics medication used in this study equaled $1.6 million. In 2015, prophylactic intravenous antibiotics were administered to nearly 1 in 5 patients prior to clean soft tissue hand surgery. Although consensus guidelines indicate prophylaxis is not indicated, their use has increased steadily in the United States from 2009 to2015. Therapeutic II.

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