
Colmez [Périodes des variétés abéliennes a multiplication complexe,Ann. of Math. (2)138(3) (1993), 625–683; available athttp://www.math.jussieu.fr/∼colmez] conjectured a product formula for periods of abelian varieties over number fields with complex multiplication and proved it in some cases. His conjecture is equivalent to a formula for the Faltings height of CM abelian varieties in terms of the logarithmic derivatives at$s=0$of certain Artin$L$-functions. In a series of articles we investigate the analog of Colmez’s theory in the arithmetic of function fields. There abelian varieties are replaced by Drinfeld modules and their higher-dimensional generalizations, so-called$A$-motives. In the present article we prove the product formula for the Carlitz module and we compute the valuations of the periods of a CM$A$-motive at all finite places in terms of Artin$L$-series. The latter is achieved by investigating the local shtukas associated with the$A$-motive.

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