
Periodontitis and Alzheimer's disease (AD) exist globally within the adult population. Given that the risk of AD incidence doubles within 10years from the time of periodontal disease diagnosis, there is a window of opportunity for slowing down or preventing AD by risk-reduction-based intervention. Literature appraisal on the shared risk factors of these diseases suggests a shift to a healthy lifestyle would be beneficial. Generalised (chronic) periodontitis with an established dysbiotic polymicrobial aetiology affects the tooth supporting tissues with eventual tooth loss. The cause of AD remains unknown, however two neurohistopathological lesions - amyloid-beta plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, together with the clinical history, provide AD diagnosis at autopsy. Historically, prominence was given to the two hallmark lesions but now emphasis is placed on cerebral inflammation and what triggers it. Low socioeconomic status promotes poor lifestyles that compromise oral and personal hygiene along with reliance on poor dietary intake. Taken together with advancing age and a declining immune protection, these risk factors may negatively impact on periodontitis and AD. These factors also provide a tangible solution to controlling pathogenic bacteria indigenous to the oral and gastrointestinal tract microbioes in vulnerable subjects. The focus here is on Porphyromonas gingivalis, one of several important bacterial pathogens associated with both periodontitis and AD. Recent research has enabled advances in our knowledge of the armoury of P. gingivalis via reproduction of all clinical and neuropathological hallmark lesions of AD and chronic periodontal disease in vitro and in vivo experimental models, thus paving the way for better future management.

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