
Introduction: The relationship between periodontal diseases and atherosclerosis is addressed in this article. Both these diseases have an inflammatory basis. Because periodontal disease is a risk factor for developing atherosclerotic vascular disease, diagnosis of the former is important. Particular attention must be paid to patients who have periodontal disease with other risk factors for atherosclerotic vascular disease. Recommendations managing these patients have been made included. The aim: The paper is aimed at familiarization of broad medical public with the presence of the relationship between diseases of periodontal tissues and atherosclerosis. Materials and methods: A thorough comprehensive analysis and generalization of scientific achievements elucidated in the fundamental and periodical publications, relating to diseases of the periodontal tissues and atherosclerosis, has been carried out. Review: The article consists of many researchers regarding the prevalence and intensity of periodontal tissue diseases in people of all ages. Problems associated with the state of periodontal tissues in people under study as dentists and general practitioners. Proven role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases of the periodontal tissues in people with atherosclerosis. In the modern concept of the etiology and pathogenesis of periodontal diseases in people is extremely important role for the immune system and resistance to periodontal bacterial invasion. Analyzed common changes important for pathogenesis of periodontal tissue diseases and atherosclerosis. Conclusions: Consequently, recent studies have shown a clear, directly proportional relationship between periodontal tissue diseases and atherosclerosis, but mechanisms for their development and interaction are not fully disclosed.

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