
Aim: To determine the knowledge of periodontal disease, the influence of periodontal disease on systemic disease and the attitude towards treatment for periodontal disease among non-medical professionals.Objectives: The objective of the above study is to determine the knowledge of periodontal disease, its influence on systemic health and disease and to evaluate the knowledge and attitude towards the treatment for periodontal disease.Materials and Method: A cross-sectional survey using self-administered questionnaire was conducted among the non-medical professionals during 2016 – 2017. Participants visiting the outpatient of the department were selected by simple random sampling. A total of 282 subjects participated in the study.Amongst these 267 were selected. The included subjects were 39 medical professionals’, 228 non-medical professionals. The subjects were introduced to the questionnaire and requested to fill their socio-demographic details and also to answer the questionnaire related to the effect of periodontal disease on the systemic health and disease. The scores that were obtained was considered adequate if the participants answered atleast 50% of the questions correctly.Results: Out of the 282 questionnaires distributed a total of 267 were selected. 15 questionnaire were improperly filled and so were excluded. The 267 questionnaires included were filled by 39 medical professionals’ and 228 non-medical professionals. The medical professionals have better knowledge about periodontal disease compared to other groups. The non-medical professionals’ knowledge was inadequate compared to all the other parameters.Conclusion: The overall results of the study showed the knowledge of the influence of the systemic disease on periodontitis and also about the treatments available for this disease was inadequate among the nonmedical professionals compared to that of the medical professionals

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