
The article is devoted to analyzing periodicals of Ukrainian nationalist organizations outside the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in the 1950s - early 1990s and their role in creating an information space in the diaspora. Periodicals are considered a means of providing information communication between nationalist organizations, their membership, and Ukrainian communities. The article describes the journals and newspapers of nationalist organizations of the diaspora: «Independent Ukraine», «Ukrainian word», «Way of Victory», «Liberation Way», «Ukrainian Independent». Much attention is paid to the thematic and problematic content of the press, its importance for promoting the nationalist ideology and political programs of organizations and preserving national identity. The topics of nationalist press publications, their purpose, and information potentials are considered in detail. It is identified the main topics of publications: the ideology of organizations, the strategy of restoring the independence of Ukraine, the concept of an independent state, official resolutions of organizations, socio-political events in the diaspora, the situation in the USSR, and the policy of Soviet government, formation of national identity and historical memory. Based on the study of the content of periodicals, it was concluded that a significant place in the publications was occupied by information about events in the USSR because nationalist organizations aimed to create a sense of integrity for the Ukrainian people in Ukraine and abroad and mobilize the diaspora to change the situation at homeland. The article identifies problematic aspects in the press of nationalist organizations: the lack of a single universal publication, the strengthening of the emigration nature of the press, the low print quality of publications, the conflict between Ukrainian nationalist organizations on the pages of publications. It was concluded that using press publications, nationalist organizations created an information space in the diaspora, which popularized nationalist narratives, united Ukrainians from around the world, acted as a means of national identification for migrants, promoted the movement to restore the independence of Ukraine.

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