
In this work laser-induced periodic structures with lateral dimensions smaller than the central wavelength of the laser were studied on glassy carbon as a function of laser pulse duration. To generate diverse pulse durations titanium–sapphire (Ti:S) laser (center wavelength 800 nm, pulse durations: 35 fs–200 ps) and a dye–KrF excimer laser system (248 nm, pulse durations: 280 fs, 2.1 ps) were used. In the case of Ti:S laser treatment comparing the central part of the laser-treated areas a striking difference is observed between the femtoseconds and picoseconds treatments. Ripple structure generated with short pulse durations can be characterized with periodic length significantly smaller than the laser wavelength (between 120 and 165 nm). At higher pulse durations the structure has a higher periodic length (between 780 and 800 nm), which is comparable to the wavelength. In case of the excimer laser treatment the different pulse durations produced similar surface structures with different periodic length and different orientation. One of the structures was parallel with the polarization of the laser light and has a higher periodic length (~335 nm), and the other was perpendicular with smaller periodic length (~78–80 nm). The possible mechanisms of structure formation will be outlined and discussed in the frame of our experimental results.

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