
IntroductionThe periodic check of the function and integrity of the resuscitation cart is very important to ensure that the cart is prepared for use to provide emergency care to critical patients. Little is known about situational awareness during the periodic inspection of resuscitation carts. The purpose of this study was to measure hospital clinical nurses’ situational awareness immediately after completion of a check of the resuscitation cart content and to directly observe and assess the resuscitation cart readiness in the selected hospitals. MethodsAn observational correlational study with a self-report measure design was used in which the Situation Awareness Rating Technique was collected immediately after the completion of checking of the resuscitation cart. ResultsAmong the 332 nurse participants, the mean situational awareness score was 16.42 (standard deviation 5.26), reflecting an average situational awareness during the task of checking and inspection of the resuscitation cart. Knowing the policies and guidelines relating to resuscitation and the resuscitation cart is associated with the participants’ situational awareness (F3,33 = 3.70, P = .04). In addition, working in critical areas and the number of years of working experience are associated with the participants’ situational awareness (F2,33 = 3.24, P = .04 and F3,33 = 3.00, P = .02, respectively). Assessing the resuscitation cart readiness revealed several issues such as empty oxygen tanks (32%); drained batteries and equipment failure (16%); incorrect size of equipment (16%); and missing, expired, and unavailable equipment (15%). Some of these issues were noted even though the carts were checked several times by different participants. DiscussionMuch work needs to be done, because inadequate situational awareness during the periodic check of the resuscitation cart content can affect patient safety in life-threatening emergencies.

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