
We consider a perturbation of a central force problem of the formx¨=V′(|x|)x|x|+ε∇xU(t,x),x∈R2∖{0}, where ε∈R is a small parameter, V:(0,+∞)→R and U:R×(R2∖{0})→R are smooth functions, and U is τ-periodic in the first variable. Based on the introduction of suitable time-maps (the radial period and the apsidal angle) for the unperturbed problem (ε=0) and of an associated non-degeneracy condition, we apply an higher-dimensional version of the Poincaré–Birkhoff fixed point theorem to prove the existence of non-circular τ-periodic solutions bifurcating from invariant tori at ε=0. We then prove that this non-degeneracy condition is satisfied for some concrete examples of physical interest (including the homogeneous potential V(r)=κ/rα for α∈(−∞,2)∖{−2,0,1}). Finally, an application is given to a restricted 3-body problem with a non-Newtonian interaction.

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