
view Abstract Citations (18) References (32) Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS Periodic Comet Machholz and its Idiosyncrasies Sekanina, Z. Abstract The dynamics and physical characteristics of Comet P/Machholz are analyzed. The discovery of the comet (Machholz, 1986) is discussed, including the observational conditions and the theory that the comet is inactive over extensive periods of time. Consideration is given to observations of the two tails of Comet P/Machholz (Emerson, 1986), the brightness variations and light curve of the comet, and nuclear photometry of the comet (Green, 1987). It is suggested that the increase in activity beginning one day after perihelion was triggered by a discrete source within 15 deg of the rotation pole that became sunlit after perihelion. Also, the possibility that Comet P/Machholz is associated with a meteor stream is examined. Publication: The Astronomical Journal Pub Date: April 1990 DOI: 10.1086/115415 Bibcode: 1990AJ.....99.1268S Keywords: Comets; Orbital Elements; Aphelions; Brightness Distribution; Comet Tails; Light Curve; Meteoroid Showers; Perihelions; COMETS; PERIODIC COMETS; MACHHOLZ; DYNAMICS; CHARACTERISTICS; ORBITS; DISTANCE; ANDROMEDIDS; METEOR SHOWERS; BRIGHTNESS; OUTGASSING; COMET NUCLEI; COMET TAILS; DESCRIPTION; SHORT-PERIOD COMETS; ROTATION; PHYSICAL PROPERTIES; EARTH-BASED OBSERVATIONS; CCD METHODS; PHOTOGRAPHY; LIGHTCURVE; DIAGRAMS; MAGNITUDE; ORBITAL ELEMENTS; Astrophysics; Comets; COMETS full text sources ADS |

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