
ABSTRA C T We report the discovery of 42 red supergiant variables (RSVs) in the late-type spiral galaxy M101. Periods for the luminosity variation of these RSVs were determined from 20 epochs of ground-based CCD photometry in the Kron‐Cousins R band obtained with the KPNO 2.1-m and WIYN 3.5-m telescopes over a span of three years. The periods found were in the range 200‐1300 days. Using the relationship between the RSV periods and their luminosity in the Kron‐Cousins I band, we estimate a reddening-corrected distance modulus to M101 of 29:40 ^ 0:16 mag (based on a distance modulus of 18:5 ^ 0:1 mag for the Large Magellanic Cloud). This distance is consistent with the Hubble Space Telescope Key Project Cepheid distances of 29:34 ^ 0:17 mag for the outer field of M101 and 29:21 ^ 0:17 mag for the inner field.

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