
This study reports a unique case of a Marjolin ulcer in a patient who presented with periocular sebaceous cell carcinoma 16 years after a lye chemical burn. A 68-year-old woman presented with a long history of irregular and tender right upper and lower eyelid margins, periocular erythema, madarosis, trichiasis, ptosis, and chemosis, occurring many years after chemical burn to the area. After eyelid biopsy established the diagnosis of sebaceous cell carcinoma, subsequent map biopsies of the conjunctival surface revealed extensive sebaceous cell carcinoma with pagetoid spread, necessitating anterior exenteration for definitive treatment. This report describes the first case in which a sebaceous cell carcinoma has arisen in the area of a chemical burn. Sebaceous cell carcinomas should be included in the spectrum of Marjolin ulcers, and ophthalmologists should be aware of this entity when evaluating patients with a history of a burn to the eyelids.

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