
BackgroundPerineuriomatous melanocytic nevi are rare and this may indicate the similar embryological source of melanocytes and peripheral nerves in the neural crest. Neurotized melanocytic nevi may resemble nerve sheath tumors histologically, and show schwannian differentiation. However, literature on whether neurotized nevi differentiate into perineural cells is controversial. We examined our cases of neurotized nevi for evidence of perineural differentiation. Materials and methodsA total of 100 benign nevi with large neurotized component (microscopically involved a low power field 4.2 mm in diameter) were prospectively evaluated in excisional biopsy samples. Immunohistochemical stainings for EMA, Claudin1, Glut1 and neurofilament were performed. ResultsPerineural differentiation was immunohistochemically detected in the neurotized component of the nevi in 61% of the cases with EMA and in all the cases with Glut1 and Claudin1. Axonal differentiation was not detected with neurofilament. The expression pattern, especially with Glut1, was usually in form of partial or complete staining surrounding the Meissner's corpuscle-like structure (MCLS). Also, a linear/curvilinear staining pattern was observed particularly with Claudin1. A diffuse staining pattern with EMA, Glut1 and Claudin1 was detected in a case with a microscopically distinct whorl structure, and in which spindle cells are separated from the superficial epithelioid melanocytes with an abrupt transition histologically. These findings of the case are compatible with previous reports of perineuromatous nevus. ConclusionPerineural differentiation is not uncommon and immunohistochemically observed in all nevi with a relatively large component of neurotization. To prevent misdiagnosing desmoplastic melanoma and overtreating patients, it is crucial to be aware of perineuromatous nevi.

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