
The association of a perineal lipoma with an assessory labioscrotal fold has been well described but has only been reported previously in 1 female.1 To our knowledge we report the second occurrence of this rare anomaly in a female neonate. CASE REPORT: A female newborn had a large spherical perineal mass arising from the caudal aspect of the left labium majorum. The mass measured 3 3 3 cm., and was completely smooth and spherical except for a 0.5 cm. rugated protuberance on its craniomedial aspect (fig. 1). On the medial aspect of the protuberance was a groove lined with mucosa which was contiguous with the left labium minora. The newborn had no other abnormalities on physical examination. Renal and bladder ultrasound demonstrated no abnormal findings. At surgery the mass was easily excised using an elliptical incision which encompassed the relatively narrow base of the lesion (fig. 2). Upon sectioning the globoid mass was primarily comprised of fatty, finely lobulate, yellow-tan tissue which was confirmed to be fat histologically. The patient healed well by first intention.

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