
This study aims to determine the characteristics and outcome of prenatally diagnosed cardiac rhabdomyomas. This retrospective descriptive study includes cases referred to our university hospital. We studied sonographic characteristics of rhabdomyoma along with the neonatal outcome. Eight cases were included, with a mean gestational age at diagnosis at 31 weeks of gestation and five patients diagnosed after 32 weeks. We noted a male gender in 75%, multiple rhabdomyoma in 50%, mostly situated in the interventricular septum (41%) and valvular regurgitation in 25%. Most patients delivered at term, including five cesareans (62.5%). Six babies survived (75%); three of them were later diagnosed with tuberous sclerosis (50%). Cardiac rhabdomyoma have variable ultrasound features. The usual favorable outcome can however be complicated by neonatal death (12%), valvular regurgitation and cerebral tuber.

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