
Pair 1. The mother developed clinical mumps and delivered a boy while still febrile and symptomaticsix days later. The child had definite swelling in the parotid area bilaterally and was placed in an isolation unit. His subsequent course was uncomplicated. A mumps skin test Was positive at 42 days of age. The child had norma ! physical and mental development through age 12 years. Pair 2. The mother developed c!inical mumps and delivered a boy four days later while febrile with parotifis. The' child's physical examination was noi-mal, and he was isolated from his mother throughout his uneventful three-day hospitalization. At 7 days of age he developed fever and cough, fed poorly, and was rehospitalized. Laboratory findings included a total white blood cell count of 20.000 mm :~ with an atypical lymphocytosis of 11% which persisted for one week. Chest roentgenogram demonstrated bilateral perihilar infiltrates. He became hypoxic and required nasal continuous positive airway pressure on day 3 and endotracheal intubation with ventilator assistance from day 6 to day 15 O f hospitalization. Treatment included 3,0 ml of immune serum globulin administered on day 5 of hospitalization. During the first year after hospitalization the child had several episodes of asthma associated with upper respiratory tract infections. However. he has been symptom free since then and has continued to have normal growth and development. Pair 3. A male child was born to a mother whose symptomatic mumps had begun seven days previously. The infant had no evidence of mumps but was isolated during hospitalization. He had no symptoms of disease during the month after delivery but was subsequently lost to follow-up,

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