
To compare Presepsin (presepsin) levels in plasma and urine of uninfected newborn infants with perinatal asphyxia with those of controls. In this prospective study, we enrolled 25 uninfected full-term infants with perinatal asphyxia and 19 controls. We measured presepsin levels in whole blood or urine. In neonates with perinatal asphyxia, we compared presepsin levels in blood and urine at four time points. In neonates with perinatal asphyxia, blood and urinary presepsin levels matched each other at any time point. At admission, the median presepsin value in blood was similar in both groups (p = 0.74), while urinary levels were higher in hypoxic neonates (p = 0.05). Perinatal asphyxia seemed to increase serum CRP and procalcitonin levels beyond normal cut-off but not those of presepsin. In uninfected neonates with perinatal asphyxia, median blood and urinary presepsin levels matched each other at any point in the first 72 h of life and seemed to be slightly affected by the transient renal impairment associated with perinatal hypoxia in the first 12 h of life. Perinatal asphyxia did not influence presepsin levels within the first 72 h of life, while those of CRP and procalcitonin increased.

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