
Menopause, which typically begins around 45-50 and lasts 5-10 years, is a physiological phase relevant to every woman and signifies the end of reproductive ability. Extensive research has shown that the occurrence, development, and end of menopause are related to changes in hormone levels in the body. Many women experience a transitional phase called perimenopause before officially entering menopause, in which they mainly experience menstrual irregularity, including disrupted menstrual cycles and changes in menstrual flow. In addition to the emotional and psychological changes similar to those in perimenopause, the main shift in menopause is the cessation of menstruation. Currently, the treatments for menopausal symptoms primarily involve hormone replacement therapy, although long-term use of hormones elevates the chance of getting breast and endometrial cancer. Non-pharmacological approaches such as exercising and maintaining a balanced diet can alleviate mild symptoms. Traditional Chinese medicine, a popular choice for many patients in East Asia, explains all symptoms, such as liver and kidney weakness and Yin-Yang imbalance. Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners customize herbal formulas based on individual symptoms and use acupuncture to alleviate menopausal symptoms. This review summarizes the symptoms and corresponding treatment approaches for perimenopause and menopause, as well as the limitations of current research.

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