
In Jambi Province, vector borne diseases (malaria, filariasis and dengue fever) is still a problem, this is known since 2006 in 10 regency in Jambi province as a malaria-endemic areas. This analysis aims to obtain the case of malaria, filaria and dengue fever and its relationship with environmental factors and behavior of the use of mosquito nets home in Jambi Province. The analysis is based on the results Riskesdas in 2007 where the population data analysis is the whole community Riskesdas Jambi Province. Sample analysis is selected households interviewed during Riskesdas 2007. In Jambi Province on the basis of further analysis Riskesdas known that vector borne diseases for the highest malaria cases compared with the filaria and dengue. The highest malaria cases in the Sarolangun Regency (8.9%) followed by Bungo and Tebo Regency, for cases of dengue fever in Bungo and Tebo Regency followed Tanjab Tmur Regency, whereas filariasis in the Sarolangun and Bungo Regency. Based on this analysis found that 44.1% of Jambi people behave the use of mosquito net, insecticide treated bed net are known to have little chance of contracting malaria. Test Results Regretion Binary Logistic, sleep did not use mosquito net have 2.14 times greater chance of contracting malaria and did not use insecticides in the home have 1.37 times the chance of contracting malaria. To avoid outbreaks of vector borne diseases, for that we need to avoid self-contact with the capability of transmitting diseases such as malaria, filaria and dengue fever by using mosquito net, use of wire netting in the home and environmental sanitation.

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