
The benefits of the research to analyze the factors that influence the behavior of selecting farmers who hold farmers card in the Election Governor of Central Java 2018 in Semarang Regency. The research method is a quantitative research that is supported by a descriptive approach with a qualitative approach. Quantitative data collection techniques using surveys and qualitative collection using in-depth interview and documentation. The results of the research and discussion of this study indicate that the behavior of farmers is influenced by four factors, namely sociological, psychological, rational, and coginitive domains. For sociological factors, because is influended by friendship or family relations. Psychological factors because likes to the figure of Ganjar. Incentive factor because they are often assisted by Ganjar supporters. Cognitive domain factors, farmers choose because kindness from the presence of farmer cards. Farmer card holders give their votes because emotional ties to respected figures in their neighborhood who are members of campaigners. But there was also the phenomenon abstentions in Bancak District due to apathy towards the existence of a peasant card policy. The conclusion is that farmers who hold farmers card in Semarang Regency prefer Paslon 1 Ganjar Pranowo-Taj Yasin.


  • Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku memilih petani pemegang kartu tani dalam Pemilihan Gubenur Jawa Tengah 2018 di Kabupaten Semarang serta jenis perilaku memilih petani pemegang kartu tani dalam memberikan suara

  • The results of the research and discussion of this study indicate that the behavior of farmers is influenced by four factors, namely sociological, psychological, rational, and coginitive domains

  • Simpulannya berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan di lapangan diperoleh data bahwa saat ini petani pemegang kartu tanilebih memilih Paslon 1 Ganjar Pranowo-Taj Yasin meskipun di daerah tertentu ada yang tidak memilih Paslon 1 karena merasa pilgub tidak memeberikan dampak pada kehidupan petani serta rasa enggan menggunakan kartu tani

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11 Ambarawa Belum

Berdasarkan tabel tersebut, petani pemegang kartu tani di Kecamatan Pringapus, Kecamatan Bergas, Kecamatan Ungaran Barat, dan Kecamatan Ungaran Timur didapatkan hasil lebih memilih Paslon 1 (Ganjar Pranowo-Taj Yasin) dalam Pemilihan Gubernur Jawa Tengah Tahun 2018. Petani memiliki ketertarikan emosional dengan figure Ganjar. Tapi muncul fenomena golput di beberapa kecamatan seperti di Kecamatan Bancak dan Kecamatan Ambarawa karena mereka memiliki sikap apatis kepada pilgub dan kartu tani. Faktor psikologis perilaku memilih menunjukkan bahwa etelah ranking tiap indikator atau faktor psikologis dihitung, maka didapatkan hasil ranking antara pemilih petani yang memilih Paslon 1 atau pun paslon 2.

11 Ambarawa
Ungaran Timur Belum Tentu
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