
Most placental-related pregnancy complications originate during the first trimester of pregnancy where gene-environmental interactions play a role. The environmental factors also include parental behaviors that can be positive, such as folic acid supplement use, or negative, e.g. poor lifestyle choices like smoking, and nutritional choices that contribute to obesity or micronutrient deficits. The overlapping risk factors associated with non-communicable disease are poor nutrition, smoking, and obesity. These modifiable factors differ between individuals, populations and high, middle and low income countries, but have in common that they are extremely difficult to change. Parents–to-be however are most motivated to change poor behaviors when they are aware of short-term health benefits of having a healthy baby. Therefore, these couples should be empowered to use evidence-based and personalized effective tools to improve poor behaviors. Moreover, these tools should be implemented to support healthcare professionals in delivering ‘nutrition and lifestyle care’ in routine patient care. From this background the usability and effectiveness of the mHealth coaching program www.SmarterPregnancy.co.uk (Dutch version www.SlimmerZwanger.nl) is presented as an opportunity to further customize this tool for specific target groups, healthcare professionals and low resource settings with the potential to prevent placental-related and non-communicable disease during the life course.

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