
This research aims to describe the pattern of politeness and the shifts of positive politeness among students of class IX MTs N 1 Surakarta. In addition,this research also aims to identify the factors that are influencing the emergence of positive politeness shift among those students. This research is classified as descriptive qualitative research. The data includes speech of class IX’s students that contains positive politeness. The data collected by taking notes from the students’ speech. Data sources are all students of class IX MTs N 1 Surakarta. Methods in analysis include the intralingual match methods by comparing the lingual elements with the extra-lingual elements. The results showed that there are six forms of positive politeness shifts which then lead to the 13 patterns of positive politeness strategy used by students who have Javanese culture backgrounds. Those patterns include attention to the pattern of preferences, desires, and the needs of what opponent said; exaggerate things to get attention, approval, and sympathy from the opponents; using a marker of group identity; seeking approval to repeat some or all of the speakers utterances; pseudo agreement, white lies, hedging opinion; small talk and presuppositions; jokes; expressed understanding or understanding what are the opponent said; making promises; show an attitude of optimism; involves the opponents in the activities; ask questions or give reasons; also reciprocal relationship. In addition, there are several factors that are influencing positive politeness shifts. They are social distance, contexts, excessive complimenting, deliberately asked for a reason, no harm intentions,and rejections.


  • This research aims to describe the pattern of politeness and the shifts of positive politeness among students of class IX MTs N 1 Surakarta

  • The results showed that there are six forms of positive politeness shifts which lead to the 13 patterns of positive politeness strategy used by students who have Javanese culture backgrounds

  • Metode Penelitian Bahasa Tahapan strategi, metode, dan tekniknya

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Muka negatif itu mengacu pada citra diri setiap orang yang berkeinginan agar ia dihargai dengan jalan membiarkannya bebas melakukan tindakannya atau membiarkannya bebas dari keharusan untuk mengerjakan sesuatu. Muka positif mengacu pada citra diri setiap orang yang berkeinginan agar hal yang dilakukannya dan dimilikinya atau hal yang merupakan nilai-nilai yang ia yakini diakui orang lain sebagai suatu hal yang baik, yang menyenangkan, dan yang patut dihargai. Tukune ngendi Nur?” mengingatkan Mt tentang kejadian tersebut dengan membesar-besarkan perhatiannya terhadap sepatu baru yang saat itu dikenakan oleh Mt. Pada penelitian ini, yang menjadi rumusan masalah adalah (1) bagaimanakah pola kesantunan yang digunakan oleh kalangan siswa kelas IX MTs N 1 Surakarta dan (2) bagaimanakah bentuk-bentuk pergeseran kesantunan positif yang terjadi serta (3) faktor apa sajakah yang mempengaruhi pergeseran kesantunan positif di kalangan siswa kelas IX MTs N 1 Surakarta. Tujuan pada penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan pola kesantunan yang digunakan di kalangan siswa kelas IX MTs N 1 Surakarta, menjelaskan bentuk-bentuk pergeseran kesantunan positif yang terjadi di kalangan siswa kelas IX MTs N 1 Surakarta, serta mengetahui factor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pergeseran kesantunan positif di kalangan siswa kelas IX MTs N 1 Surakarta

Metode Penelitian
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