
The diversity of coffee bean standards is one of the perspectives of coffee bean quality that is very important to customers. Based on the physical (deffect system) the coffee bean sorting process is divided into two, namely manual sorting and mechanical sorting. The purpose of this study is to study the performance of vibrating table type and conveyor table type rating machines in optimizing time and costs in the process before storage, processing and market to consumers. This research was carried out at the Tanah Toraja Coffee Center, Gandangbatu District, Sillanan District. Tana toraja, the industrial teaching laboratory of the Agroindustry study program, the organolepotic test lab of the Jember research center and the Sukamandi flavcoyur laboratory in the month until March of May 2022. The research method used is linear regression. The best result for the operation of the vibrating table type sorting machine is at a slope of the 8o compartment with a rotating speed of 1,310 rpm with the amount of capacity produced as much as 245 kg per hour and for a rotary table type machine the best result is at a speed of 40 rpm rubber belt speed with a time speed of 30 seconds distance with a distance of 1,800 mm, obtained results on the output hole I ( diameter 7 mm) of 9.2 kg per hour, in the output hole II (diameter 6 mm) of 9 kg per hour, and in the output hole III (diameter 5 mm) of 8.6 kg / hour.

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