
This paper presents a performance evaluation of real-time scheduling schemes in configurable component-based sensor node platforms from two perspectives: a configurable component-based sensor node platform and a scheduling scheme for a mix of periodic and aperiodic tasks running on the sensor node platform. We consider two different types of configurable component-based sensor node platforms: event-driven and multi-tasking sensor node platforms. The basic components of these two configurable component-based sensor node platforms are tasks. Tasks are classified to have periodic and aperiodic properties. Periodic tasks need to be processed in a timely fashion and delivered to meet their deadlines, while aperiodic tasks need to be quickly processed for fast responses without missing any periodic task deadlines. Consequently, we present two different scheduling schemes for event-based and multi-tasking sensor node platforms, which attempt to meet the timing constraints of periodic tasks and improve the response time of aperiodic tasks. The experimental evaluation showed that the proposed scheduling schemes yielded efficient performance in terms of the minimal deadline miss ratio of periodic tasks and a fast average response time for aperiodic tasks.

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