
The existence of reliable public transportation services will be able to reduce public dependence on the use of private vehicles. This goal will be achieved if public transport service quality improves. The Trans Metro Dewata bus is here in Bali with the Buy The Service program. This program is to buy urban mass transportation services to operators based on the services carried out according to the kilometres travelled. The operator operates 105 buses to serve 4 corridors. Technical and operational performance shows that the indicators of travel time, headway time, waiting time, stopping time, and travel speed follow the minimum service standards and technical guidelines for urban public transport. In contrast, the circulation time in corridors 1 and 4 exceeds the standard. Likewise, the load factor level of 2.40 – 32.65% is not following the performance standards of public transportation, which should be at least 70%. This is due to route accessibility factors, route effectiveness, feeder transportation availability, the bus stop's feasibility, and the lack of socialization and information to attract people to switch to public transportation. Analysis of the balance of the number of fleets shows an oversupply of around 14.86%-33.62%. However, this condition dramatically supports bus operational performance to meet minimum service standards. So the action that must be taken to maintain operational performance and balance the number of fleets is to increase demand or the number of passengers so that the load factor reaches a minimum of 70%.

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