
Introduction The Latin American Spanish version of the Face-Name Associative Memory Exam (LAS-FNAME) has shown promise in identifying cognitive changes in those at risk for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, its applicability for Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) detection in the Latin American population remains unexplored. This study aims to analyze the psychometric properties in terms of validity and reliability and diagnostic performance of the LAS-FNAME for the detection of memory disorders in patients with amnestic MCI (aMCI). Materials and methods The study included 31 participants with aMCI, diagnosed by a neurologist according to Petersen’s criteria, and 19 healthy controls. Inclusion criteria for the aMCI group were to be 60 years of age or older, report cognitive complaints, have a memory test score (Craft Story 21) below a -1.5 z-score and have preserved functioning in activities of daily living. Participants completed LAS-FNAME and a comprehensive neuropsychological assessment. Results LAS-FNAME showed the ability to discriminate against healthy controls from patients with aMCI (AUC= 75) in comparison with a gold-standard memory test (AUC = 69.1). LAS-FNAME also showed evidence of concurrent and divergent validity with a standard memory test (RAVLT) (r = 0.58, p < .001) and with an attention task (Digit Span) (r = −0.37, p = .06). Finally, the reliability index was very high (α = 0.88). Discussion LAS-FNAME effectively distinguished aMCI patients from healthy controls, suggesting its potential for detecting early cognitive changes in Alzheimer’s prodromal stages among Spanish speakers.

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