
The study assessed the growth, reproductive and yield attributes of 200 tomato genotypes assembled from AVRDC, Taiwan, IIVR, Varanasi, NBPGR, New Delhi and SAU of India and some Research centers of Karnataka. Field experiments were conducted in 2015-17 at Dept. of Vegetable Science, College of Horticulture, Bengaluru, Karnataka. The main aim was to assess some of growth and yield attributes of 200 tomato genotypes. These 200 genotypes collected from AVRDC, Taiwan, IIVR, Varanasi, NBPGR, New Delhi and SAU of India and some research centers of Karnataka. The growth parameters like plant height, maximum plant height noticed in genotype (13P3) 202.33 cm. The number of branches per plant maximum was observed in genotype (AR-56) i.e. 11.33 branches per plant. Wide variability was observed for fruit width in tomato. The highest fruit width reported (H-86) 8.15cm. Wide variability was observed for tomato fruit length also, the length of tomato fruit maximum noticed in genotype (EC-321426) 7.45 cm. The highest average fruit weight was observed in H-86 (131.94 g) and the lowest in 73P2 (20.00 g). The total tomato fruit yield recorded per plant ranged between 0.39 kg (Roma) and 6.48 kg (4P1). This study gives information on the agronomic variation in the 200 tomato genotypes assessed which can invariably serve as an index to selecting putative parents in breeding for new tomato variety that will combine desirable agronomic characteristics with high yield and its attributing characters.

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