
This study was conducted to evaluate the productive performance of three commercial broiler hybrids and their response to two kinds of dietary different with protein sources , one contained animal and vegetable protein jointly and the other contained only vegetable protein . The study included raising nine hundred unsexed broiler one day old chicks ( Cobb 500 , Ross 308 and Hubbard Classic), 300 chicks/hybrid birds were distributed to 18 floor pens at rate of 6 pens for each hybrid with 50 chicks per pen and three of them were cottage to each feeding treatment , the experiment lasted for 42 days . Feed and water were available ad libitum.. Findings of the statistical analysis have shown significant superiority (p≤0.05) of the two hybrids (Cobb and Ross) upon Hubbard hybrid in the following traits : live body weight , average weight gain , feed conversion ratio , production coefficient and mortality percentage . There were no significant differences in feed consumption from the three hybrids birds . Average live body weight at 42 days of age were 2265 , 2260 and 1981 gm for the three hybrids, respectively . Ross hybrid birds showed significantly higher relative growth compared with Cobb and Hubbard which were 107.99 , 105.95 and 104.37 % at the age of 42 days, respectively . On the other hand , about protein source effect, the results have shown significant differences (p≤0.05) in average live body weight for birds fed diet with only vegetable protein compared with those fed diet with animal and vegetable protein jointly, 715.3 and 616.6 gm at the age of 21 days, and 2233.3 and 2104.4 gm at the age of 42 days, respectively . No significant differences in feed consumption , feed conversion ratio and production coefficient between the two feeding treatments were found . It was concluded that strain of broiler show a significant effect on the performance , where the two hybrids Cobb and Ross performed better during the breeding period than Hubb hybrid , and the diet contained vegetable protein only was better than the one contained animal and vegetable protein jointly .

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