
This paper presents an evaluation of the Regional Climate Model version 4.6.1 (RegCM4) at a high-resolution simulation at 10 km applied over the Tibetan Plateau. This simulation covers the period from 1980 to 2010 and is nested in a RegCM4 simulation at 30-km resolution, which is driven by the main European Centre for Medium-Range Weather and Forecasting reanalysis (ERA-Interim reanalysis) dataset. A new daily observational dataset is employed as reference data to evaluate the temperature and precipitation simulations for the inner model domain and the five largest river basins that originated in the Tibetan Plateau (TP) (i.e., the source region of Yangtze River, Yellow River, Mekong River, Salween River, and Brahmaputra River). In comparison with the low-resolution model run (R30), the cold biases for the area-averaged temperature were reduced from −2.5 to −0.1° C and the wet biases in summer mean precipitation were reduced from 58% to 25% in the high-resolution model run (R10). The substantial warming trends and slight wetting trends were basically reproduced by both RegCM4 simulations. Annual mean precipitation trends from both simulations show a better agreement with the observations than the ERA-Interim, which underestimates the annual mean precipitation trends in most regions, whereas both the RegCM4 and ERA-Interim consistently underestimate the annual mean temperature trends when compared with the observations. In addition, the overall improvement in the modeling trends for annual mean temperature and precipitation in R10 is limited when compared with R30. The extreme precipitation was also captured reasonably in both RegCM4 simulations, and the better performance is detected in the R10 simulation. The findings above show that RegCM4 with a high-resolution of 10 km is capable of reproducing the major regional climate features over the TP, but a great deal of uncertainties still exist, especially in the subregion of the Brahmaputra River basin. Thus, the 10-km resolution simulation in RegCM4 may still not be fine enough to resolve the topoclimates over the complex Himalayan terrain in the Brahmaputra River basin.


  • The Tibetan Plateau (TP) with the mean altitude over 4000 m above the sea level is termed as “the third pole” because it is the highest and largest continental plateau on the earth [1,2]

  • The simulated surface air temperature and precipitation from Regional Climate Model version 4.6.1 (RegCM4) are compared with observation to evaluate the ability of Regional climate models (RCMs) to reproduce the regional climate over the TP

  • We evaluate and compare the ability of the RegCM4 model with two horizontal resolutions reproducing the major features forRegCM4 the periodmodel from 1980 over the

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The Tibetan Plateau (TP) with the mean altitude over 4000 m above the sea level is termed as “the third pole” because it is the highest and largest continental plateau on the earth [1,2]. Its unique terrain and specific underlying surface can have a great effect on regional climate and the global atmospheric circulation [3,4]. The TP is recognized as the “water tower of Asia” owing to that it is the source of a number of major rivers in Asia, including the Indus, Ganga, Brahmaputra, Atmosphere 2020, 11, 1104; doi:10.3390/atmos11101104 www.mdpi.com/journal/atmosphere. Salween, Yangtze, and Yellow River, which support the livelihood and environment of more than 1.4 billion people [5]. Climate change in the TP and its impacts draw interests from academics worldwide [10,11,12,13,14,15,16]

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