
The desiccation (burn down) time of high-biomass pasture in no-tillage system and nitrogen (N) fertilization of pasture and soybean can influence the crop performance under crop-livestock system. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of desiccation times of palisadegrass pasture combined with three N fertilization levels of pasture and two N fertilization levels of soybean on crop yield, yield components and grain oil and protein concentration. Three N rates in the U. brizantha cv. BRS Piatã pasture were evaluated (0; 150 and 300 kg ha-1 of N as urea) in three different experiments. In each experiment, five pasture desiccation periods (60; 45; 30; 15 and 1 days before soybean sowing) and two levels of N fertilization of soybean (30 kg ha-1 of N distributed as urea at sowing + a control without urea) were evaluated. A randomized complete block design with five replications was used for each experiment. After statistical analysis of each experiment, a joint analysis of the three experiments was performed, allowing the comparison of the three rates of N in the pasture. The time interval between Urochloa brizantha pasture desiccation and soybean sowing did not influence soybean yield, yield components or the grain oil and protein concentrations, regardless of N fertilization of pasture and soybean. N fertilization of pasture induced a taller soybean plant height, insertion height of first pod, increased lodging, and reduced yield, but did not change the grain oil and protein concentration, regardless of the pasture desiccation time and N fertilization of soybean. Soybean grain yield was negatively affected by N fertilization of the crop, regardless of fertilization levels and desiccation times of the previous pasture

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