
An experiment involving three sowing methods and four integrated nutrient management practices was undertaken at Rajeev Gandhi South Campus, Banaras Hindu University in factorial randomized complete block design with three replications. The aim of the study was to assess the effects of sowing methods and integrated nutrients management practices on performance of pearl millet under agri-horti system. The sowing methods and integrated nutrient management practices significantly (P=0.05) influenced performance of pearl millet. Adoption of ridge and furrow sowing method recorded higher growth [plant height (147.7 cm), dry weight (72.7 g), and number of tillers plant-1 (2.0)], yield attributes [effective tillers hill-1 (1.77), panicle length (17.9 cm), grains panicle-1 (1508.3), grains weight panicle-1 (13.9), and test weight (9.23 g)], yields [ grain yield (1412 kg ha-1 ), and stover yield (3972 kg ha-1 )], and economics [net returns (Rs. 36371 ha-1 ), and B:C ratio (1.79) than broadcasting and raised bed. Application of 50% recommended dose of fertilizer + 50% poultry manure resulted higher growth [plant height (151.9 cm), dry weight (79.7 g), and number of tillers plant-1 (2.22)], yield attributes[effective tillers hill-1 (2.0), panicle length (18.8 cm), grains panicle-1 (1615.6), grains weight panicle-1 (14.5), and test weight (9.76 g)], yields [ grain yield (1552 kg ha-1 ), and stover yield (4360 kg ha-1 )] and economics [net returns (Rs. 38227 ha-1 ), and B:C ratio (1.77) than remaining integrated nutrient management practices. The combination of ridge and furrow and 50% recommended dose of fertilizer + 50% poultry manure was adjudged to be better for pearl millet performance.

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