
The use of viscosity modifying admixtures (VMA) has proved to be very effective in stabilizing the rheological properties and consistency of self-compacting concrete (SCC). SCC is known for its excellent deformability, high resistance to segregation and use, without applying vibration, in congested reinforced concrete structures characterized by difficult casting conditions. Most of the commercial VMAs currently available in the market are costly and increase the price of such a concrete. Identification or production of new low-cost VMA is then essential. This paper presents the performance of four new polysaccharide-based VMAs in enhancing the rheological and consistency properties of cement paste. The study of the rheological properties and consistency of cement paste to screen the dosage and type of new VMA to be used in SCC is a promising approach. Investigation was carried out on cement pastes with combinations of various dosages of new VMAs and of a superplasticizer (SP) to study the influence on rheology, consistency and washout mass loss. A commercial VMA designated in this paper as “COM” was tested for comparison. The study on new VMAs is encouraging and confirms that pastes with satisfactory rheological and consistency properties comparable with or even better than commercial VMA can be developed. The combined use of proper dosages of VMA and SP is shown to clearly contribute to securing high-performance cement pastes that is highly fluid yet cohesive enough to reduce water dilution and enhance water retention. Attempt has also been made to correlate rheological properties (yield stress) to consistency (slump) of pastes.

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