
The experiment was conducted at Agricultural development Trust, Baramati during kharif 2016, 2017 and 2018 to study the effect of Stress-Free with Imezethapyr herbicide on Soybean. Imezethapyr (Pursuit) is reccomended post-emergence herbicide for soybean, however it has been seen that Soybean crop is under physiological stress when it is sprayed with post emergence herbicide like Imezethapyr. This resulted in stunted growth for some period which resulted in less branching, less no. of pods and ultimately less yield. Results reveled that Application of Stress-Free @ 3 ml/lit and 3.5 ml/lit has more or less same results. Hence, we are recommending to use Stress-Free @ 3ml/lit as a Foliar application along with weedicide (Imezethapyr) for avoiding physiological stress due to herbicide application.

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