
The study aimed to evaluate the production performance of male Limousine Crossbreed cattle with different feed levels with the addition of RD flour. It used nine male Limousine crossbreed cattle, aged <1-3 years, with an average initial weight of 335±29,09kg. The method used is an experimental method using CRD with 3x3: T0= Ad libitum corn straw + concentrate without RD powder, T1= Ad libitum corn straw + concentrate containing 7,5% RD, T2= Ad libitum corn straw + concentrate containing 15% RD flour. The variables measured included Daily gain, Average daily gain, feed conversion ratio, and Income over feed cost. Data were analyzed by ANCOVA. Cattle were fed for eight weeks from (March 26 to June 8, 2021), in the Livestock Group of Kucur Village, Dau District, Malang Regency. The result showed that using feed with the addition of RD at different levels of male Limousine crossbreed cattle had a significant effect on FCR (P>0,05) and on Daily gain, Average daily gain, and IOFC (P<0,01) had a different significant effect. This study concluded that the treatment of T1 feed (7.5% "RD" flour) showed the best results for Daily gain (70,67±5,43 kg), Average daily gain (1.26±0.09 kg), FCR (5.85±0.19),, IOFC Rp. 36586.50.

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