
Litchi cultivars Dehradun, Early Seedless, Rose Scented, Shahi, Green, Swarna Roopa, Dehra Rose and China were evaluated for growth and physico-chemical attributes for off-season cultivation in humid subtropical regions of Kodagu district of Karnataka. The plant height was highest in cv. Rose Scented (3.56 m) and lowest (2.33 m) in cv. China. The emergence of the panicle and early flowering started in the first fortnight of August in cv. Early Seedless followed by cv. Shahi. The yield was maximum in cv. Dehradun (24.4 kg/tree) followed by cvs Shahi (23.6 kg/tree) and Dehra Rose (23.15 kg/tree). The cv. Swarna Roopa and China failed to produce any fruits during both the years. The average fruit weight was highest in cv. Dehra Rose (17.5 g) followed by Dehradun (15.57g). The higher pulp (%) was recorded in cv. Early Seedless (73.8%) followed by cv. Dehradun. The seed weight and rind weight was higher in cv. Dehra Rose. The total soluble solids were found highest (17.2°Brix) in cv. Dehradun followed by cv. Dehra Rose (16.3°Brix). The per cent titrable acidity was found highest in cvs Early Seedless and Rose Scented (1.04%). Among the cultivars evaluated Dehradun, Shahi and Dehra Rose were found most suitable for humid sub-tropical conditions of Coorg.

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