
The practice of pawning is not always in accordance with what is happening on the ground. The implementation of a land mortgage in the village of Betung, Lubuk Keliat District, OganIlir Regency, South Sumatra Province in Indonesia so far has not been in accordance with Islamic Law. In line with this problem, this study aims to find out the rahn system in Betung village, Lubuk Keliat sub-district, OganIlir Regency, South Sumatra Province in Indonesia, and to find out a review of Islamic law on the rahn implementation system in the village. In this study used qualitative data types, with primary data sources obtained using field studies through interviews with some of the wombs and murtahin who carry out rahn or pawn in the village of Betung. While secondary data is taken from documentation and literature relating to the problem under study, then the data collected has been analyzed qualitatively using interpretive deductive analysis instruments. The observations obtained through this research are the pawning system carried out by a part of the Betung village community that is using the use pawn system and trondol which is contrary to rahn.

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