
An essential property of life is that cells and organisms have the ability to protect themselves against external disturbances/attacks by using homeostatic mechanisms. These defending mechanisms are based on negative feedback regulation and often contain additional features, such as integral control, where the integrated error between a controlled variable and its set-point is used to achieve homeostasis. Although the concept of integral control has its origin in industrial processes, recent findings suggest that biological systems are also capable of showing integral control. We recently described a basic set of negative feedback structures (controller motifs) where robust homeostasis is achieved against different but constant perturbations. As many perturbations in biology, such as infections, increase rapidly over time, we investigated how the different controller motifs equipped with different implementations of integral control perform in relation to rapidly changing perturbations, including exponential and hyperbolic changes. The findings show that the construction of an optimum biochemical controller design for time-dependent perturbations requires a certain match between the structure of the negative feedback loop, its signaling kinetics, and the kinetics of how integral control is implemented within the negative feedback loop.

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