
Ten lines of Leucaena leticoceyhala, 1 of L. diversifolia and 3 L. leucocephalax L. pulrerulenta F1 hybrids were grown at 5 contrasting sites in Queensland. Harvests were taken over 3 growing seasons, and dry matter yields estimated. The F1 hybrids were outstanding in most environments, outyielding cv. Cunningham by an average of 45%; the L. Ieucocephala lines CPI 58396 and 61227 and cv. K8 consistently outyielded cv. Cunningham by an average of 24%. When 2 contrasting cutting intervals were compared at Lansdown, there was no effect on dry matter yields, although the longer cutting interval produced more wood. The range of mimosine concentrations in the L. Ieucocephala lines was 4.1-5.6%. CPI 6 1227 had significantly lower mimosine content than cv. Cunningham. The genotype x site interaction for total yield was significant (P< 0.01). However, ranking of lines of L. leucocephala was fairly consistent across environments.

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