
Wild and hybrid strains of brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, showed better rates of recovery (by angling) and yield (kilograms of fish recovered per kilogram planted) than a domestic strain, during the 2 yr following planting, in six small oligotrophic lakes of the Laurentian Shield. Native brook trout and white sucker, Catostomus commersoni, had a significant impact on planted brook trout. Recovery, percent of increment in weight and yield of each planted strain were inversely correlated with (1) the relative abundance of native brook trout, and (2) the occurrence of white sucker, supporting hypotheses of intra- and interspecific competition. Furthermore, the response variables were also inversely correlated with the number of potential competitors, indicating that the impact of native brook trout and white sucker was additive. The recovery in number of planted trout (both years and all strains) was approximately four times higher in lakes with effectively no competitors than in lakes containing both white sucker and native brook trout; the increase in weight was nearly three times higher, and the yield was more than nine times higher. The performances of planted fish were intermediate in the lake containing only native brook trout as competitor.

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