
The performance of 15 diploid clones and their vegetatively doubled counterparts was evaluated in the field for 2 years. The diploid clones produced more stems and were taller 4 weeks after planting, flowered earlier, and produced more total tuber yield. The significantly greater total tuber production of the diploids was due mainly to having more tubers less than 2.5 inches in diameter. The tetraploid clones usually produced more and heavier tubers over 2.5 inches in diameter, but not enough to offset the higher total tuber number of the diploids. Male and female fertility were evaluated in the greenhouse and although tetraploid seed set was 50% less than for the diploids, the doubled clones were sufficiently fertile for use in genetic and breeding programs. The results indicate that vegetative chromosome doubling of selected diploid clones generally will not produce high yielding tetraploid clones. These materials will be very useful in breeding and for genetic investigations.

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