
An experiment was conducted to study the performance of the 50% crossbred (Goa Local x Large White Yorkshire) piglets under field under different traditional and scientific feeding practices in Goa. Twelve 50% crossbred castrated male piglets were divided into four groups of three piglets in each. Randomly, one group was maintained under scientific feeding practices (Ts). The other three groups were distributed to three pig farmers maintaining their units under different traditional feeding practices i.e. bakery waste (TBW), kitchen waste (TKW) and cooked poultry offal + wheat bran (TPO+WB) based feeds. Among the traditional feeding practices groups, the CP content of the TPO+WB (36.15%) was higher (P 0.05) with the Ts (4.97), but lower (P<0.05) than the TPO+WB (15.22). The daily BW gain of TPO+WB (237.77 g) was higher (P<0.05) than the TBW (112.89g) and TKW (111.33g), but lower than the Ts group (308.44g). It was concluded that traditional feeding practices have to be developed based on the nutritive value for the existing feed resources and increasing pig production.

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