
uvenile of Clarias gariepinus (average initial weight 32.89g±0.36) were stocked at a density of 56/m2 in concrete tank and fed diets containing varying levels of poultry offal meal as partial total replacement for fish meal. The poultry offal meal was included at 0%, 10%, 20% and 40% levels of inclusion representing, 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% replacement of fish meal in the diet of the fish. Results showed that fish fed 20% level of inclusion of poultry offal meal (50%) (replacement of fish meal) had the highest average final weight/fish (104.85g) and a significantly (P<0.05) better feed conversion efficiency (0.53) than the other diets. However, fish on diet containing 40% level of inclusion of poultry offal meal (100% replacement of fish meal) had equal feed conversion efficiency (0.49) as the control and the least cost of feed per unit gain in body weight (₦0.15/g). Feed intake and live weight gain were not significantly (P>0.05) different among all dietary treatments. It is therefore established from this study that poultry offal meal; can completely replace fishmeal in the diet of Clarias gariepinus. The best overall performance was obtained at 50% replacement of fish meal with poultry offal meal.

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