
Kashmir valley has enormous potential of beekeeping. The colony performance of Apis cerana indica is determined by its foraging efficiency. The economy of the colony depends on the performance of the colony. The focus of the study was to determine the queen bee rearing techniques, accurate measurement in selection and offer the best technique in queen bee rearing for beekeepers. The experiment, a first step in the valley, was carried out in farmers apiary at Harwan Srinagar-Kashmir during 2018-19 with three bee raising methods viz., Miller (T1), Division (T2) and Supersedure (T3). The efficiency and potential of supersedure queen was determined in comparison to other naturally raised queen in Apis cerana colonies. The results showed that supersedure queens performed well as naturally produced queen. The highest rate of mating percentage (83.33%) was recorded in supersedure method (T3). The maximum brood area (1024 cm2) during 2nd fortnight of April, pollen area (198.00 cm2) in 1st week of March and honey store area (2422 cm2) during 1st fortnight of May, were recorded in split method of queen rearing (T2). The minimum brood area (844.00 cm2) was recorded in supersedure method of queen rearing (T3). Significant differences were observed among all the treatments.

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