
The predatory heteropteran bug Podisus maculiventris is the one of the most effective predators of coleopteran and lepidopteran pests. Here we assessed the effects of switching the prey of Galleria mellonella L. with two treatments of Sitotroga cerealella moths at 1st(2days) and 2nd(4days). There were no significant differences in survival between 1st variant of moths when it introduced to the 4th nymph instar and adult’s stages or 2nd variant for adult pairs compared with control. Generally, the grain moth diet had no negative effect on developmental time for both males and females. Adult’s longevity dropped remarkably at the 2nd treatment, at the same time it was similar to control at both treatments with adults. Fecundity data indicated slight differences in both treatments at adult stages. The egg mass production decreased 3.8 fold in 1st treatment at the 4th nymph stage. No significant differences were observed in egg viability in most treatments except 2days grain moths with 4th nymph instar. Although significant differences were found in total eggs’ numbers within treatments, no significant differences were recorded in adult stage for both treatments as compared to control. We can conclude that using Angoumois grain moth adults as alternative factious prey to feed immature stages and adults of predatory solider bugs need more attention in mass rearing technology.

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